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Why It’s Important to Get Multiple Quotes From Reputable Solar Panel Installers

When shopping for solar panels, getting quotes from multiple reputable installers is best. This ensures you get the most competitive price and weeds out scammers.

Local permitting costs and fees, and utility interconnection can add up. Applying for state and local solar incentives is another cost-saving measure.

Make sure the site has access to sunlight (southern exposure is best). Install a charge controller and power inverter between your solar panel system and the battery bank. You can return to our home page.

Determine Your Energy Needs

You can estimate your energy consumption in kWh by analyzing past electric bills or asking your utility provider for average monthly usage. Then you can use this information to calculate your solar energy production and savings.

A power inverter converts direct current (DC) solar energy into alternating current (AC) electricity that your household uses for lighting and appliances. It’s usually installed between the solar panels and batteries, after the charge controller, and before the connection to the grid.

The annual energy production of a solar panel system in kWh is determined by factors like its size, location, and sunlight potential. It’s also affected by the efficiency of the panels and your household energy usage. For example, a home with a lot of west-facing panels will generate more energy in the morning and evening than one with less sun exposure. To account for this, the Solar API calculates an initial energy production AC figure of a specific panelsCount by multiplying the annual DC output by 0.5% per year over its estimated 20-year lifespan in US locations.

Calculate Your Budget

A good solar contractor will be able to recommend the system size that is right for your home and ensure that your installation is configured for maximum efficiency. This will help you save even more energy and maximize your ROI.

Next, you’ll want to figure out how much you will save each year. This will be based on the number of hours your sun-facing roof gets each day, the average annual electricity rate in your area, and any applicable energy rebates or tax credits.

This step is especially important if you’re considering a PPA or lease. Many solar companies sell their systems through these agreements, and they will guarantee a lower monthly energy cost than your current bill. But be sure you read the fine print – many of these deals have escalators that will raise your rate over time.

Once you have the numbers, it’s time to calculate your “solar cost per watt.” This metric will take your adjusted combined costs and divide them by your yearly savings (or solar payback time). It will give you an estimate of how long it will take for your energy savings to cover the total cost of the system.

Get Free Quotes

It’s important to receive multiple quotes from solar installation companies for your home. This allows you to compare pricing options and customer service. You should also take the time to research each provider’s reputation, customer reviews, and industry certifications.

Be wary of offers that promise “free” solar. These are usually solar leases or PPAs, which mean you won’t own your system and instead make monthly payments to two energy providers. Additionally, these deals often exclude the benefits of the federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) and may include a hidden escalator that increases your payment over the term of the lease.

If you opt for a solar loan, be sure to compare interest rates as these can significantly reduce your energy savings. Investing in a system that you own will save you the most money in the long run.


Professional installers are familiar with local regulations and building codes, can better assess your energy needs, and provide warranties. They can also help you navigate financial incentives such as solar investment tax credits (ITCs) and rebates that vary by state.

Roof Preparation: Your roof will be inspected to ensure it is structurally sound and can support the weight of solar panels. If necessary, repairs or modifications may be made before the installation.

Panel Installation: Specialized brackets or rails are installed on your roof to hold the solar panels. Electrical connections are made between the panels, inverter, and your home’s main electrical panel. If applicable, a representative from your utility company will inspect the system to ensure it meets local guidelines for grid interconnection and net metering.

The final step is for you to switch on your solar system and start reaping the benefits! If you’re able to find a reliable solar installer with little or no waitlist, this step can take as few as a day. To speed things up, prepare by making extra space for the solar crew to work by clearing out outdoor furniture and moving cars. Check out this interesting post!

A-TEX Roofing & Remodeling | Why It’s Important to Get Multiple Quotes From Reputable Solar Panel Installers

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