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Once the harsh winter weather conditions are over, many people stop worrying about their roofs. However, the danger to your roof doesn’t dissipate along with the rain and snow. The summer sun also poses a threat. Do you know how to prepare your roof for summer? Keep reading to find out.

Clean Your Gutters

The falling leaves and wind in the fall and winter can do quite a number on your gutters, which may only be compounded by wind in the summer months. It’s important to ensure your gutters are completely clean and unclogged for the summer. If your area is hit by a sudden storm or rainfall, the water damage to your roof, walls, and foundation could be significant if your drains aren’t clear.

Complete Roof Maintenance and Repairs

If any shingles on your roof are damaged or missing, it’s crucial to get those replaced as you prepare a roof for summer weather. Sun damage, wind, and increased critters out and about threaten your roof in the summer. Missing or broken shingles will only let these factors cause even more damage to your roof.

Get a Roof Inspection

After a particularly harsh winter, it doesn’t hurt to get an inspection done. Many things may have happened while you weren’t looking. Roofing professionals can give you a clearer picture of what’s going on with your roof, especially underneath your roof where you can’t see. They can then recommend any necessary next steps you should take.

You should be in great shape for the coming months if you follow all these steps to prepare your roof for summer. For any roof inspections or maintenance needs, let the experts at A-TEX Roofing & Remodeling take care of everything for your home so you can enjoy your summer worry-free.

A-TEX Roofing & Remodeling | 3 Tips to Prepare Your Roof for Summer Heat in Texas

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