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Summer is here! With lots of sunlight and hot weather all around, your roof needs to be prepared for solar assault. Here are some helpful roof maintenance tips to keep your home safe and cool.

Inspect Flashings and the Attic

Leaks can still occur even when the heat is turned up. The occasional rain can prove disastrous to a roof in poor condition. Leaks can also drench your insulation, compromising your home’s energy efficiency and leading to higher energy bills. Inspect your attic and see if there’s any sunlight peeking through. If sunlight can get through the beams in your attic, so can water.

Trim the Trees

Leaves and twigs from tall trees around your home can fall on your roof, potentially damaging it. Consider pruning the tree branches in order to keep them a small distance away from your home. Remember that this type of debris can especially be damaging to your gutter installation.

Remove all Debris

On that note, clean up any debris that might be lying in your gutters to prevent clogs. A clogged gutter cannot drain water effectively, which puts your home at risk of water damage.

Check for Holes and Nests

Any holes or damaged shingles make your home vulnerable to water damage. Replace any damaged shingles or seal them up as best you can before you call the contractor. Remember that these problem areas, especially in new roof installations, can create a breeding ground for pests.

Arrange for Repairs

Once you finish your inspection, call a licensed contractor for help. An experienced professional can conduct their own thorough inspection and suggest the best solution. They may also detect underlying issues that you may have missed.

At A-TEX Roofing and Remodeling, we offer high-quality roofing products backed by strong warranties. No matter what your concerns are, we can provide you the perfect solution. You can get in touch with us today at (210) 399-1117. We serve San Antonio, TX, and the surrounding areas.

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