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While home renovations and improvements can be a fun and exciting time, homeowners are often faced with some tough decisions and predicaments. The task of choosing a roof type for your home can be one of those hard decisions to make.

What helps with narrowing down the decision is having a clear idea of your budget, the style of your home, and of course the types of weather conditions your roof will have to contend with. A-Tex Roofing and Remodeling is the expert roofing company in Shavano Park and these are the most common roof types found in the area:


Tile Roofing

Both clay and concrete tiles are widely used for roofs, each with their own merits. A classic for residential roofing, tiled roofs are popular for their durability and longevity, with their aesthetic appeal being an added bonus. Their extra durability is especially handy in the San Antonio climate, where thunderstorm activity is bound to affect your roof in some shape or form. Tiles are also best-loved for their long lifespan, with some roofs enjoying a lifespan of up to 100 years!


Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing type for good reason. They are affordable, durable and incredibly versatile in terms of aesthetics. Certain types of shingles, like architectural shingles, allow for customization in a range of shapes and sizes. They are a common choice especially for sloped roofs and work well for traditional Seattle home styles. However, asphalt shingles do not enjoy as long a lifespan as tile or metal roofs and will likely need to be replaced in 20-30 years.


Flat Roofs

Flat roofs are a popular roofing choice not just for commercial buildings, but for residential homes too. Materials commonly used for flat roofs include metal, gravel and modified bitumen. In our experience, a flat roof is easier to maintain and repair than most other roof types. There is also no threat of losing shingles or boards as a result of strong winds since the roof is a solid body made with materials impervious to winds.


Metal Roofing

You’d be forgiven for thinking metal roofs are restricted to ugly, shiny silver boards. Metal roofing has progressed in leaps and bounds to become one of the most viable roofing options for Shavano Park homes. Metal is extremely versatile and is able to almost take the look and feel of most of the premium roofing alternatives, such as clay and slate for example. Stone-coated metal roofing, in particular, is a great roofing type for San Antonio homes.


Cedar Roofing

Cedar roofing is a popular option in the Shavano Park area. The shingles are known for their exceptional beauty and durability. Cedar provides a natural vibrancy to homes and ages well over time. Plus, the average cedar shingles last, on average, ten years longer than asphalt ones. Cedar is a fantastic natural insulator, providing double the insulation compared to other roofing materials. That means homeowners can conserve heat and cooling energy more effectively.


If you are in need of residential roofing services, call A-Tex Roofing and Remodeling in Shavano Park today. We’ll be happy to consult or schedule an appointment for a free inspection.

A-TEX Roofing & Remodeling | 5 Most Common Roof Types In Shavano Park

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